La Libération Market in Nice - Nana Beltran

Today we made our way to La Libération Market in Nice. The marketplace features colorful stalls full of fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, and other delicacies. Among the many stalls we drifted towards the section that was more like a fish market, and we got to see the many different types of fish being caught here in Nice and the Mediterranean. 


The fish market had many different species of marine animals. Some but not all included: flatfish, scorpion fish, cuttlefish, octopus, sea bream, and many others. 

After the market at Liberation, we went to France Langue and began do dissect different fish. Before we began, it was easy to identify the different fins on our fish. As we began to dissect the fish, we were able to find the swim bladder, heart, intestines, stomach, and more. 


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